
Emmitt Muckles Solar Industry Trainer
Emmitt Muckles Solar Industry Trainer

For over a decade, Emmitt Muckles has been a leader in the solar and renewable energy sector. Starting his journey with Fronius USA, Emmitt was their Master Trainer and Senior Technical Support Engineer, where he created the Fronius FSP live technical training program and eventually deployed the program across North America and Mexico.

His expert training skills led him to Sunrun, where he executed Field Installation training for Residential PV, over time incorporating AC-coupled and DC-coupled BESS (Battery) training for the Midwest and Southwest United States regions.

Today, Emmitt is the Residential Operations Program Manager for a performance guarantee/operation and Maintenance company for renewable assets, where he is responsible for PV training, and battery integration for O&M.

Emmitt continues to educate and Speak on the topics of PV, Storage, and education at live events and discussion panels.